Sunday, October 7, 2007

History and well-behaved women

I read a review on the weekend about a book on well-behaved women .*

The background about the author and the theme of the book were read with interest - I have always loved book reviews as well as reading books. The most intriguing and revealing line in the review for me is "Still, as Ulrich notes again and again, history is'nt simply what happened in the past; it is what later generations choose to remember." **
I have spent many months this year researching our archives for relevant documents/primary sources for the Swinburne Historian, Dr Peter Love. An almost astonishing element to our history, of a Technical School, was the emphasis, from the very beginning, on training and education, for vocational/career purposes for girls and women. Peter has referred to this legagy of George and Ethel Swinburne several times in our first centenary history publication, due for release very soon - early November.

* Well behaved women seldom make history, by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Knopf

** See review by M Dirda in Australian Financial Review, Friday 5 October 2007.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one is also going on my wish list!