Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Because I learnt how to use RSS I have found a treasure trove of interesting and stimulating information through the sites and Blogs I have feeds for (or is it to?).
I have read items on finding treasure/information randomly. There are bloggers who believe that "randomness" could be under threat because of the ever increasing sophistication of research engines finding answers and information too efficiently. I read about this in an erudite article on the technological library. My new RSS-initiated, randomly-gained knowledge, is valuable enough for me to now follow some pertinent threads as well as prompting me to think differently about my own research methods.
I have been alerted to some oddball items as I set up an alert to annoyed librarian, but not to the site. So when Google finds news about annoyed and librarian I am sent a message. I have discovered a site that is for librarians who say f... and yes there are over a thousand members.
I have to navigate very intricate paths to refind some of the links, over hill and down dale, but if I am persisitent I can retrace my steps. Otherwise, if I think I may lose some article or an extraordinarily odd blog, I copy it and store somewhere safe. I do not know how to feed it to myself and I do not need to know.
I have found a namesake in Nova Scotia undertaking the 23 Things program and shall follow her blog with interest. Her links are very informative.
I ask myself what I would do without my new sources of information and I shrug my shoulders and say I could live without it. This is not to say I am not loving the new treasures unfolded
because of 23 Things.

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