Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Favourite saying

The shadow of an orchid cast by the moon is even more beautiful than the orchid itself


ME on the web said...

so where did the saying come from? I am not sure I agree with it as orchids are extraordinarily beautiful flowers.

Sara Jervis said...

Miss L (formerly)

This is part of an extract from a review of a book in the Australian.
"The Red Thread (Hardie Grant Books, 2000), includes an Australian character who is a painter, in a Chinese, not an Australian style, and whose works juxtapose "a traditional element and something contemporary" in order to represent the elusive nature of reality: "The shadow of an orchid cast by the moon is even more beautiful than the orchid itself." "
My feelings when I read this led me to see that reality is sometimes less "pure" than the "reflections".