Monday, December 10, 2007

This is what I think

Help me in my work?


How can the Library use the technologies to improve services?

How much money can we spend? I think that services available through web 2.0 can be offered and our public will be impressed, but how many staff can be allocated, how many computers and how much space in an incredibly tight timetable of events?

How can 23 things program be improved for future use?

I am tossing up whether to recommend that the program be repackaged to leave out some of the esoteric technologies which have a limited audience, within many library staff and probably will not help with our public profile one iota. While we all “had” to look at items of no or limited interest, such as igoogle pages, del.ic.ious, social bookmarking, myspace/ facebook, at least we have been made aware that this is information we can live without. On the other hand, we still had to invest our time into looking at them. The “one stop shop” or one size fits all has limitations, even if only these are assessed as leading to cynicism and a “ticking the box” mentality.

Continued blogging?

I shall keep blogging as I use the program for thinking out aloud and putting thoughts on paper.

The absolute best thing about 23 things is that I have learnt not to prejudge and to give “new” technology a go.

I am so impressed with my new skills and new reputation for being a geek. I can talk (to the innocent) authoritatively about using flickr to sort photos – the limitations and the benefits. I do so like that look of admiration at my knowledge.

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